The Donner Party
2003 Photo Page

Photography by Aaron Currier, Stephanie Snyder, and David Schweitzer

The team at the top -- Rick, Steve, David, Rob, Howard, Mark, Aaron
Peter, Debbie, Steph, Katie, and Liz.

Steph started us off... ready to go with the other teams in our heat.

She was watching for the cameras,
but she didn't know she had to watch out for go-nads, sea monkies, and killer bees!
By the way, the mountain was there, wasn't it?

Nice sign placement... don't park, just run.

A flawless first exchange to Debbie.

A downhill flowing water break

And the handoff from Debbie to Howard.

Howard begins his long trek downhill.

Howard runs.

And runs...

And runs.

Do you think Howard had flashbacks to the days as a kid, like the rest of us,
when we found ourselves running down a hill somewhat out of control?

Liz and Rob hope Dad keeps running.

He did...

Don't worry, Rob, it's only 4 miles and it's all downhill.

He was happy about that.

Liz was happy she had big hills to start with!

Dad and daughter

One more stretch... he's almost here.

Here comes brother Rob

And the hand-off to sister Liz.

Imagine that... two photographers capture the same moment!

It was good to know Liz was ready for more ups than downs!

Aaron gets the sunset run...

from light to dark in less than an hour.

Hurry up Aaron, the rest of us are ready for spaghetti!

Aaron's arrival in Sandy for the hand off to Steve. Go Van 2!

(Too bad we don't have proof Van 2 actually ran their first leg.
They did look tired when they arrived in Portland though.)

Steph's run through downtown Portland.
Steph made up 10 minutes on the
Go-Nads when they got stuck by the train.

Debbie's second run. Flashlight in one hand...
mace in the other.

The sun is up and Van 2 is awake and ready to go, right Peter?

Come on Katie, wake up, and smile... this is fun!

David's feeling good... see... he's smiling!

David's looking good too.

Mark, you look great, but you're going the wrong way...

That's better... we're on our way to Seaside, remember?

Now you're cruising. Go, Mark, Go!

Is that Rick?

I think that was Rick...

Go Peter!

Katie is ready to go... Van 2's second leg is almost done.
Van 1, meanwhile, is ready and waiting.



Debbie catches up on her roadkill stickers.

Howard taps into roadkill energy through osmosis.

Stephanie's last 100 meters. She's the first one done.

Debbie's last run. You're almost there! NOT.

We'll choose our words of encouragement more carefully next time.

Rob and Liz waiting for Debbie's arrival


Howard's last 100 meters.

Rob's last 100 meters. Focused on the finish!

Two Perkins done, one to go...

Liz cruises up that really big hill.

Debbie's spots Liz some water on the way up.

Queen of the mountain. Way to go Liz!

Aaron's floating, er, flying down the hill.

Aaron's final 100 meters... clean burn, dude.

Van 1 is done... just six more runners to go... it's all up to Van 2 now.

Steve on approach.

Steve alongside.

Yep... another roadkill.

Are you thirsty, Steve?

Steve might have a drinking problem.

Van 1 teammates after showers in Seaside. We're done.
Look at all those roadkills!

Waiting with friends and family for Van 2 to arrive in Seaside.

The finish line in Seaside.

Well done, Donner Party. Another successful year.

No dead guys... just Dead Guy Ale.
Hey Van 2, where are the rest of your roadkill stickers?

Captain Mark

On the beach at last...200 miles from the top.

And then there were five.
Rick, Mark, David, Steve, and Aaron

Steve and Rick


Mark, Steve, and Aaron

Steve, David, and Mark.

This wasn't intentional... but it really didn't matter.

Breakfast at the Bunk House.

Good times.