The Donner Party
2004 Photo Page

Photography by Aaron Currier, except when he was running,
and the official course photos from Van 1 by Image Production Services, Inc.
More to come from other family members!

Jessica wins the award for best official course photo!

Ryan's first run -- leg 4.

Kyle's first big hill -- leg 5

Does an evening for running get any better than this?
Sometimes it's good to look back to see where you've been.

Here's the hand-off to Aaron, runner #7 & Van 2.

"Headlights" are on at dusk, Van Halen's on the ipod,
it's Aaron's time to fly -- leg 7.

And from Aaron to Nena, just at sunset.

Nena finishes her first leg strong, just as the full moon rises.

Mark's happy... Nena's a really fast runner!

Here's David on his first run... with the full moon over his head.

Mark and Liz exchange.

And finally to Steve, runner #12.

Meanwhile, Van 1 and Van 2 meet for the exchange.
No problems with the new exchange location under the bridge!

No problems, right Rick?

Steve's done, and that's it for the first round!

Peter's off and running.

Nena's second run, up the hills and into the gravel.

And the dust!

David spots Mark some water just after a roadkill.

Mark breezes by in a blur.

Mark finishes up his second leg.

Here's the trade from Liz to Steve.

One more runner and Van 2 breaks.






and Steve.
We're all still smiling after our second run.
David was smiling, wasn't he?

And a nap.
And then Van 2 is back to running...
only one more leg to go.

First Aaron...

Then Nena

Go Nena!

Then David

Here comes Mark

Looks like a good kill, Mark.

You ARE almost there... that was a long run, huh?

And, off goes Liz.

Liz finishes her final leg strong...
just one more runner to go!

Steve brings it home for the Donner party...
Steve WAS running here, I remember.

Thumbs are up, he's good to go!

While Van 2 waits for Steve,
it's time to catch up on the roadkill stickers.
Mark has a few.

Nena has a lot!

Liz has a lot too!

Van 2 waits for Steve.
Hey... look at all those roadkills.
I wonder how Van 1 did.

Nena leads the pack through the finish!
Katie's being carried... that must have been a rough last leg!

The Donner Party 2004 Team Photo

Captain Mark held the award ceremony on the beach this time.
Not everyone made it to the pizza party.

The coveted bracelet was awarded to Rick.

Congratulations, Rick

And then the next morning...
the annual stroll (er, run?) to the beach.

The Sunday morning ritual...
a dip in the cold Pacific Ocean,
and a bottle of cold Dead Guy Ale... or two.

Captain Mark Rogers-Donner led the team to another
successful completion of the Hood to Coast Relay.
Thanks Mark.

Yes, that's Dead Guy Ale...


The core four.

A marvelous feet, er feat... whatever.

No caption necessary.

A parting shot...