The Donner Party
2005 Photo Page

A view of Mt. Hood from the aircraft Capt. Mark Rogers and Co-Capt. Rick Schaefer
were flying to Portland in just as the Donner Party began the run.
If you look closely, you'll see the team waving from the top.

Molly Schaefer started us off with the big downhill run
starting at Timberline Lodge and cruising down to Government Camp.
Nice official course photo, Molly!

Katie Schaefer's first run, well, actually it's Katie Hamblin's first run.

And the very first hand off to "husband" John Hamblin.

Capt. Mark and Ryan Fawcett.
The flight came in on time, but Van 2 had to hurry up the mountain
to leg 4 to trade Rick (#6) with Mark Lyman (#7).

Capt. Mark, Aaron Currier and David Schweitzer.

A water break for John


From the direction of the traffic, it looks like John is relaxing
AFTER his first run.

Rick's first run. No, it's not leg three yet.

Doing good, Rick.

Peter Schaefer and John jumping through the sprinkler.

Rick only ran through the sprinkler.

Van 2 waits in Sandy for Van 1
Mark Lyman, Capt. Mark Rogers, David Schweitzer, and Steve Flexer.
There were a lot of coffee drinks being consumed prior to the start...
by the veterans. Mark L., being a rookie, was into the gatorade...
probably a smarter plan.

The runners chat with The Donner Party volunteers.
Thanks to our volunteers we are able to participate!
Steve, David, Mark, and Aaron with
volunteers January and Susan Grider.

January and Susan Grider, veteran Donner Party family!

Mark with our volunteers in Sandy.

Mark L is ready to go for his first leg... #7.

Rick on approach. 1-1-8!, 1-1-8!

Way to go, Rick!

The exchange at Sandy.

The exchange from Van 1 to Van 2 to goes smoothly.
Rick, interviewed by Mark, escorted by Steve, recorded by Eric,
and in the far right distance is Mark L. on his first run.

A joyous first run.

Van 1.

Peter, Ryan, Molly, and Katie

Driver John.

Van 1 heads to Portland for a well-deserved break,
including rest and spaghetti.

In the meantime....

Go Mark!

Mark cruises the country roads just East of Sandy.
Nice weather, nice run, nice course photo!

Aaron waits for Mark to run leg #8.

Capt. Mark wonders about how that coffee is sitting.



Aaron and Capt. Mark wait for Mark L.

Aaron is off and running leg #8.
Yet another great official course photo.
Thank you Image Production Services, Inc.!

Thanks for taking photos, Steve. Aaron has enough now. :)

Steve is next for leg #9. He was going to run naked.

The exchange from Aaron to Steve.

Steve runs #9, nearly 8 miles long!

The exchange from Steve to David.

Van 2 welcomes Eric Destival, runner #12. Steve introduces him
to the van... Eric might be wondering what he got himself into.

Capt. Mark in good spirits before his first run.
Everyone is finally here and accounted for.

The exchange from David to Mark as the sun goes down
and Mark heads out on leg #11.

Eric waits for Mark to exchange.
With a little light, various reflectors create a holiday spirit.

Steve, David and Mark.

One down for Mark, two to go. Mark, you need a rest.

Eric approaches the exchange with Molly and Van 1.

During the evening, Van 1 got their break.

And, were ready to go when Van 2 arrived in Portland.

The Schaefers.

The Hamblins.

Molly and Ryan.

Waiting for Eric, the team chats about their completed first legs.
12 down, 24 to go for The Donner Party.

Aaron and Mark.

Molly is ready to start all over again.
We're glad you're still smiling!

The exchange from Eric to Molly.
Round two begins!

No trucks beyond this point, only Mollies.


Peter takes the cue from Steve in Van 2
and decides to run naked for his second leg,
atleast he has a little discretion.

Is that water or beer?

Van 2 would like to trade someone for John, thank you.


Ice Cream? at 2 in the morning?


Rick's night run.


The Donner Party trekked through the night... all 12 runners successfully completing
their second runs. A quarter moon, clear skies, a few shooting stars, a bit of dust, and
a misty morning greeted the family and the exchange again from Van 2 to Van 1.

Eric on approach as he finishes his second run, leg #24.


Mark, Ryan, Rick, Mark, and David keeping warm in the "Mist"y morning.

Ryan's last leg.

Katie prepares for Ryan's finish.

Ryan's done.

Someone else needs to caption this...
did Katie need water or John to run with her?

John runs by too fast for the camera.

Rick's happy he's on his last leg.

And has figured out how to run and sleep at the same time.

John and Katie.

From the photos, it really looks like Rick is enjoying his last run...

The final team exchange went well. It was lucky Van 2 saw
Van 1 people sleeping in a field as they drove by!

Mark stays in stride for his final run.

Aaron is either preparing his ipod or praying.
Both helped get him ready for leg #32.

Life's a Beach, but you gotta run there... one leg at a time!

The exchange from Mark to Aaron.
Mark completes his third leg tired, but ready for a beer.

Aaron's final leg is short and fast... he's ready for beer.

Mark douses Steve along the blistering 8-mile leg #33.

Steve on approach to the next exchange...
a few more yards and he's ready for beer too.

David still has a long way to go.

And before long, he's nearly done.

Just a few more roadkills first.

And the exchange to Mark.

Mark runs down the Lewis & Clark trail.

Mark may have set a record for Donner Party roadkill on this one.

And in an effort to get one more, he raced another runner to the exchange.
Mark was just a half a step ahead of the other team, but...

Something happened with the exchange to Eric...
Where's the wrist band, guys?

Meanwhile, Van 1 runners aren't running anymore.
It's time for food.

And rest.

Runners from Van 1 joined in with the runners from Van 2 who just
made it before Eric arrived and everyone crossed the finish line
together. Somewhere there's a photo of it. I hope.

Medals for everyone!

Mark and his medal.

Eric and Diane

Hi Katie.

Mark adds roadkill stickers well into the night... it WAS a good run.

Mark, David, Aaron, Steve, and Eric.

Pepto... when that roadkill isn't sitting so well.

Atleast that's we're telling everyone, right?

Mark holds the wrap-up party meeting.

And rewards a family member with the covetted wrist band
in all it's sweat-covered glory.

Mark announces it's going to a long-time veteran who's not received one yet.
Who could it be?

Dave Schweitzer!

Congratulations Dave!

Hey? What about me?

Maybe next year?

Sorry Steve.

The Donner Family bid farewell and headed off in different directions.
Ryan and Peter and the rest of Van 1 headed back to Salem.

Back at the beach the next day,
only three were left after a good night of eating and sleeping.

Mark heads to the waves for the traditional dipping.

The medal is blessed by the ocean.

Aaron's turn.

You can take the wrist band off now, Dave.

Hood to Coast Relay 2005 is officially consumed
by The Donner Party.

The parting shot.