The Donner Party
2006 Photo Page

The view from the top... the majestic, but melted Mt. Hood... where it all begins.

John, Katie, Mollie, Ryan, Ryan, Rick and Peter... Van 1

Ryan, Mollie, Ryan, Peter, and John.

Here's the start line. Where's the finish? Oh yeah, 197 miles away.

And away we go. Katie starts us off.

That's the spirit.

Rick runs leg two.

Ryan and Rick.

Looking goooood.

Ryan on leg 3.

John, the resident, er traveling PT.

Mollie's off on leg 4.

Yes... that's Donner Party roadkill.

Van 2 is jealous.

John's off on the tough #5 leg.

He smoked it.

Perhaps the best on-course Donner Party photo ever?

Peter takes care of #6.

He's certainly in the groove.

Van 1... and the Kult are waiting at Sandy.

Peter, quit enjoying that so much.

Vans 1 and 2 are mingling now... Peter, Ryan, David, Capt. Mark, Aaron, Mark L., and Eric.

Mark and Eric.

As the sun goes down, Van 2 takes over and runs into the night. Not great for photos.
Meanwhile Van 1 gets a rest in Portland while waiting for Van 2 to arrive.

A late night rendevous.
Ryan, Mollie, Peter and Ryan.

Peter, David, and Steve.

John, Aaron, and Mark L.


Mark finishes out the first 12.

Another run in with the Kult. ARRRGH.

Rick on 14.

Peter's done with 18... handing off to Van 2 at the Columbia Fairgrounds.

Eric on his second run... leg 22.

Eric arrives at the exchange.

While Steve and David get ready.

Eric to David.

The Donner Party Van is not conspicuous enough.

David on cruise control.

Add one to the roadkill count.

Captain Chaos.

Mark L., Capt Mark, Steve, and Eric.

David to Mark.

A perfect exchange... no lost time.

Mark gettin' it done.

Mollie, Peter and John... waiting for the next exchange.

Katie is ready for her last run... leg #25.

Katie is off and running.

Capt. Mark... stop running!

Katie has it handled.

The hand off to Dad.

Go Rick.


Mollie is ready.

The cheer captain.

And water boy.

Katie to John.

John tackles the toughest leg... #29 and ...

is rewarded.

And Peter takes care of the downhill part.

Peter cruises in on his last leg... #30, and it's Van 1's last run....
Time for Van 2 to bring it home.

Steve on approach.

Another DP roadkill.

Mark's run... #32.

And he's done.

Aaron's run... #33.

and he's done.

Eric on approach with his last leg... #34.

Eric to David for the second to last leg...

David to Mark... and just one to go.

Mark starts off slow to enjoy... even savor the last leg.
It's his final run of 12 years of consecutive HTC legs.

It looks like he did.

Congratulations Mark. Thirty-six legs officially consumed.
Time to celebrate.

Steve on approach to the next exchange...
a few more yards and he's ready for beer too.

197 miles later... Steve, David, Mark, John, Mark, Ryan, Katie, Peter, Mollie, Aaron, Ryan, and Eric.
Rick must be behind the Camera.

Not bad for the 25th anniversary effort.


Was it worth it, Mark?
"As long as you have that Dead Guy and the tin of smoked oysters it is."

Van 1 medalists.

Van 2 medalists.

The Donner Party.

Katie and John.

Pizza at the Harbor... our traditional festive feast.

Early discussions about the team reward.

Mark knows who's getting the wrist band, but he's not telling. He's eating first. Don't bother him.

A wonderful journey reflection and a list of qualified recipients ensues.

But after much thought, and considering the circumstances...

after running all 36 legs in consecutive order, not getting lost, not falling down...

Capt. Mark awards it to...


Ryan is also awarded his very own medal for completing 197 miles of driving, timing, and cheering.

Reflecting roadkill the next morning.

The traditional "morning after" dip in the sea.

36 legs on two.

It's not always sunny at the end, but it does always feel good.
Mark's brother TJay joined us for the ritual.

The parting shot.

Or... this one.