The Donner Party
2010 Photo Page


Capt. Mark Rogers

David Schweitzer and Steve Flexer

David, Elyse Johansen, Aaron Currier, and Steve.

Elyse's first Hood to Coast Relay

Van 1 arrived in Sandy after the first six legs.

Mark Lyman finishes Leg 6.

David starts Leg 7.

Somewhere along Leg 7.

Steve waits for David a the exchange for Leg 8.

Exchange #7.

Steve ran Leg 8.

Elyse's first run was at night.

Curtis Caldwell joined the team in time to run Leg 10.
This was his first Hood to Coast Relay too.

David and Mark. Mark was more excited to run than his expression suggests.

Mark was excited, really.

Hello Curtis. Nice job on Leg 10.

All hail Captain Chaos. Mark starts Leg 11.

Aaron practicing his moves for Leg 12.

No headphones this year. Okay, he tried a McGyver... it didn't really work.

Elyse, Curtis and David. It's only 11pm and we're doing well.
Everyone is more cheerful than this, really.

Mark to Aaron at Exchange 12.

Mark's done. Aaron's off into the night.

First run done, two to go.
Van 1 picked back up in Portland and ran through the night.

Early Saturday morning and finally there are some smiles. Come on, Curtis, smile.

Steve finishes Leg 20.

The hand-off to Elyse at Exchange 21.

Elyse cruises the gravel portion of Leg 21.

Curtis champions the hill on Leg 22.

Super cool and fast downhill.

Mark, David and Steve at Exchange 23.

David, Steve & Aaron. Nice jackets!

A ray of sun shines on Curtis. Two down, one to go.

Mark is off on Leg 23.


Capt. Chaos.

Mark to Aaron at Exchange 24.

Aaron's off on Leg 24.

Van 2 handed off to Van 1 for the final round. Going up the mountain on
Leg 29, we happened on a struggling team stuck in the gravel. Having already
eaten our fill for the day, we stopped to help.

During our efforts, Donner Party runner #5 from Van 1, Molly Johnston was running by.

Now there's a smile. Who smiles on Leg 29?
Way to go Molly!!!

Mark L. hands off to David. Van 1 is done.

David on Leg 31.

David arrives at Exchange 31.

Steve starts off on Leg 32.

Clean burn on the third run, Steve.

Steve approaches in the distance, while Elyse gets ready.

The hand off. Steve is done.

Elyse on Leg #33.

Elyse on Leg 33.

Curtis at Exchange 33 hands off to himself after water?

Mark on Leg 35, I think. Longest HTC Leg... 10 miles this year?

Mark arrives and he's done.
A semi-quick exchange of flashing lights and flashlights
and Aaron is off on his (and the team's) final leg... #36.

This is the final run and Aaron has completed all 12 legs of HTC in order.
36 legs on 2 feet!

Team shot at the finish line.

Annual wrap-up party at the Pizza Harbor. Mark awards the wrist band.

After Mark completed all 12 legs in order, and then David...

Aaron did, and gets the wrist band in commemorate the accomplishment.

Randy of the Kult Kevorkian and Aaron of the Donner Party.

Mark on the beach Sunday morning.

The traditional blessing of the medal in the ocean.

Aaron, Mark and David... and a yummy dead guy ale.

The last shot...

The 2010 Hood to Coast Relay is officially consumed.