The Donner Party
2011 Photo Page

Donner Party 1, Van 1 at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood

Curtis, Brian, David, Steve, Aaron and Capt. Mark

Aaron gets ready for Leg 1, and starting the "12-leg cycle" all over again,

And it begins...

The first leg is steep downhill, and easily fast.
Aaron hands off to Steve.

Steve starts Leg 2.

Capt. Mark on Leg 3.

Brian, Curtis, and David. Brian, you ready?





Exchange #3.

Mark hands off to Brian for Leg 4.

Brian is off and running.

Brian approaches Curtis at the 4th exchange.

The handoff.

Curtis starts the infamously difficult 5th leg.

Mark's not worried.

Curtis powers through the hills.

David gets lights and the bracelet for the sixth leg.

Curtis and the last view of the mountain in alpen glow.

With David running leg 6, the first set is done for Van 1.
Van 2 took over at Sandy and ran through the evening into Portland.
Van 1 took back over and ran through the night and the wee hours of the
morning, followed by another six legs by Van 2.

Steve running Leg 26 in the heat of the morning.

Mark gets ready for Leg 27.

Steve on approach.

Steve is done, Mark gets going.

Mark is nearly done.

The handoff to Brian for Leg 28.

Curtis, Steve, and Mark.

Brian finishes his last leg.

The handoff to Curtis for Leg 29. It's the really big 3-mile hill.

Curtis the mountain eater.

Curtis approaches in the distance, while David gets ready.

Curtis is done.

David runs Leg 30 to complete the third round for Van 1.
Notice the non-existant crowd at the quarry. Earlier in the day is was
a nightmarish traffic jam. There was only one team behind us at this point.
Van 2 had left 30 minutes prior to our arrival, as many teams were allowed
to "leap frog" this year due to the closing of each exchange as the tailing teams
completed their legs. Imagine front-row parking and no traffic!
On the other hand, no chance for roadkill.

Eventually, we made it, and about an hour faster than usual, thanks to Van 2.

Closing remarks at the Pizza Harbor in Seaside.

Curtis and members of Van 2 wait for the awarding of the wristband.

Elyse receives the award for co-captaining Van 2.
Well done, Elyse!

The next day, members of Van 1 woke from a restful night in Rockaway.
The traditional walk to the beach and dunking of medals in the ocean.
Except we didn't get our medals because they ran out before we finished.
We got them in the mail a couple of months later.

The 2011 Hood to Coast Relay is officially consumed.