School rules:
- Be respectful.
- Be responsible.
- Be safe.
Classroom rules:
- Be respectful - one person talks at a time!
- Be responsible - come to class prepared!
- Be safe - use your brain to avoid losing a finger!
Goals for the school year:
- To further your understanding, and appreciation, of the natural world around you.
- To provide you with a positive, challenging, and interesting experience in science.
- To prepare you to advance into high school science.
- To help you improve your skills as a learner.
Your rights:
You have the right to a classroom where your teacher comes prepared and you feel comfortable, respected, and safe. I will do my part to fulfill that for you.
How will you be graded?
Grades are based on the number of points a student earns during each 12-week period. Assessments will include daily participation, labs, individual project work, group project work, quizzes, homework, and tests.
Participation = 25%
Classwork = 25%
Homework = 25%
Exams = 25%
We will talk about each assessment in detail as they come up throughout the year.
Grading Scale
90% – 100% A
80% – 89% B
70% – 79% C
60% – 69% D
Less than 60% F
Late Work: Late work will be accepted, however you will lose 10% of the possible points each day it is late (down to 70%) Once the unit has been completed and the test taken, only 50% of the points can be earned, but can be turned in up to the Friday before the end of the 12-week grading period.
Excused Absence: To earn full credit pick up missed assignments the day you return to class. We will negotiate a fair time to turn assignments in.
Unexcused Absence: Full credit cannot be earned for late work.
Need Help?
I am available to help you after school in Room 3. I want you to be successful in this class. Please tell me if you need more help we will work something out.
My email is: