Talmadge Middle School, Independence, Oregon
Room 3 ~ Email:acurrier@central.k12.or.us

School rules:

  • Be respectful.
  • Be responsible.
  • Be safe.

Classroom rules:

  • Be respectful - one person talks at a time!
  • Be responsible - come to class prepared!
  • Be safe - use your brain to avoid losing a finger!

Goals for the school year:

  • To further your understanding, and appreciation, of the natural world around you.
  • To provide you with a positive, challenging, and interesting experience in science.
  • To prepare you to advance into high school science.
  • To help you improve your skills as a learner.

Your rights:
You have the right to a classroom where your teacher comes prepared and you feel comfortable, respected, and safe. I will do my part to fulfill that for you.

How will you be graded?
Grades are based on the number of points a student earns during each 12-week period. Assessments will include daily participation, labs, individual project work, group project work, quizzes, homework, and tests.

Participation = 25%
Classwork = 25%
Homework = 25%
Exams = 25%

We will talk about each assessment in detail as they come up throughout the year.

Grading Scale
90% – 100%    A
80% – 89%      B
70% – 79%      C
60% – 69%      D
Less than 60% F

Late Work: Late work will be accepted, however you will lose 10% of the possible points each day it is late (down to 70%) Once the unit has been completed and the test taken, only 50% of the points can be earned, but can be turned in up to the Friday before the end of the 12-week grading period.

Excused Absence: To earn full credit pick up missed assignments the day you return to class. We will negotiate a fair time to turn assignments in.

Unexcused Absence: Full credit cannot be earned for late work.

Need Help?
I am available to help you after school in Room 3. I want you to be successful in this class. Please tell me if you need more help we will work something out.
My email is: acurrier@central.k12.or.us.



The photo at the top of this page was taken at Moolack Creek Wayside on the beach just North of Newport, Oregon. These are marine fossils around 17 million years old. The big shell is a scallop. They were preserved by being buried by hundreds of feet of silt and mud, and then exposed when plate techtonic activity pushed them above the sea level. The Oregon Coast has many places where you can find fossils and although you can't dig in beach cliff walls for specimens, if you find them loose in the tidal zone, you can keep them as a souvenir.

What kinds of fossilized animals do you think you can find in a marine habitat?