Talmadge Middle School, Independence, Oregon
Room 3 ~ Email:acurrier@central.k12.or.us

Science Class News - Updated 11/14/09

11/13/09 - Mr. VanDixon from the Evergreen Aviation Museum visited our class to talk about space rocks. He brought activities for us to learn about geology beyond Earth.

Students compared impact craters in sand made from objects with different sizes, densities, as well as velocity. They were asked to imagine how big a space rock would need to be to damage the Earth if it were hit. Collyn tested a dense rock and compared it with a less dense baseball..

Students examined the texture, color, magnetivity, and density of this meteorite to understand the difference between space rocks and Earth rocks. Chan proved he could lift the super-dense 100lb meteorite.

At another station, students had to consider necessities and limitations to collecting rocks on the moon. Andrew and Tyler were ready for their lunar excavation mission.

10/30/09 - Mr. Andrews visited our class to demonstrate some fun Halloween-themed experiments using dry ice, bubbles and pumpkins.
Photos by Anna Gatherum.

These pumpkins were eventually blown up.

Holes in the ceiling from flying rubber stoppers... thanks to Mrs. Watson!

10/09/09 - We finished studying metrics and density and will now use what we've learned to prepare our worksample for the Student-Led Parent Conference. We are going to predict how much a block of wood will float above water by calculating it's density before we put it in the water.

Oregon Science News

coming soon...

World Science News

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The photo above was taken in the White River Badlands of Nebraska (June 2005). The white-colored formations are a chalky limestone that contains mammal fossils from the Oligocene era (34 million years ago). At that time is was a grassland where animals like rhinoceras, deer, oreodonts, and camels roamed. Many turtles are found as well.

What famous monument in Oregon is similar to the White River Badlands in South Dakota and Nebraska in both age and types of animals? What does the presence of turtles say about this particular ecosystem?